Taller de lana cardada
Técnica mixta en seco, con aguja y agua. Tendremos la posibilidad de vivencias las estaciones del año a través de su coloridos y particularidad y disfrutar de la experiencia con un material vivo, la lana, llena de color y calor. Horario: Sábado 12 de enero de 9:00 a...
Therapeutic Tales workshop_Marisa Fernandes. May, 12nd.
Therapeutic tales workshop. Marisa Fernandez is a pedagogist and waldorf teacher, and she will be coming to our school for the first time to show you how to make up stories to heal different aspects on our children's development.
Workshop Waldorf dolls 21st April_Sandra Chandia
Next 21 april we will have an amazing workshop directed to all of you who want to make Waldorf dolls! Very limited places.
Easter camp 26, 27 y 28 march.
Easter Camp at Waldorf Sevilla Girasol International School! For more information and reservations email secretariacei@waldorfsevilla.org.
Workshop form images at elementary school_José Luis García Rosa 17 marzo 11:00
Good morning families, we would like to inform you about our first elementary school workshop. This one will deal with the form images, you will be able to experiment how do we work and you will aslo have time to ask any question you might have to our teacher José...
Afternoon Waldorf games
Dear families, we it is a great pleasure for us to announce the first workshops of the year. Next february we will open our school to all of those who want to enjoy an afternoon of Waldorf games! The children and their parents will have the chance to experiment with...