Our school strives to create an environment where respect, learning, truth, justice, spirituality and community are promoted. The aim of this policy is to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children in our care, regardless of age, class, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. We recognize that everyone who comes into contact with the children in our school in their everyday work has a duty to safeguard and protect them and should demonstrate commitment and priorities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, including teachers, staff, parents and volunteers. Our Policy (available for school families) is guided by the following four principles:
  • ensuring that children are growing up in the circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • protecting children from abuse
  • preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. We have a legal duty and responsibility to act on our concerns.
Protocols and actions incorporated into the activity of our school:
  • Annual compilation, at the beginning of the school year, of the updated certificate of sexual offenses of all teachers and collaborating staff and volunteers in the school.
  • Child protection code of conduct signed by the entire teaching staff, collaborators, and volunteers.
  • Policy for the use of the image of minors. Authorization by the families.
  • Pick up authorization. Authorization by the families is signed at the beginning of the school year.
  • Monitoring of absenteeism in primary school.
  • School safety and evacuation protocol. Continuous training of the team.
  • First aid protocol. Continuous training of the team.
  • Coexistence Plan in which we work every school year and specifically in the weekly cloisters following the methodological principles of our pedagogy and contemplating the current legislation. Learning of peaceful conflict resolution, use of the word, assertive communication.
  • Protocol identification of abuse or mistreatment of a minor. Contact with social services.
  • Specific training on child protection is included in the faculty’s training plan.
  • Respect for the child’s maturational development.
  • Holistic education: hands, heart, and head. Artistic work throughout the infant and primary stage. Contact with color and form, tone, music, dramatic acting, language, clay, wood, wax, watercolor, wool, plants… developing the ability to do (act), feel and think, three fundamental tools in people’s lives. Encouragement of creativity (creative expression/creative thinking) to face life’s challenges.
  • Participation of students in the life of the school. Involvement of families in the life of the school. Promotion of healthy community activities.
  • Methodology that includes the promotion and care of the physical, social and emotional health of children with individual and group accompaniment that works in coordination with families through tutorials, class meetings and school pedagogical meetings.
  • Healthy life habits: care and promotion of a healthy and balanced diet, movement and physical exercise outdoors, sufficient rest, daily contact with nature, limiting the use of screens.
  • Promotion of self-care of adults of reference for the child (teachers and parents).
  • Promotion of responsible, local and sustainable consumption for the environment.
  • Direct, respectful, and assertive communication between school and families. Joint search for solutions respecting the fundamental principles of Waldorf pedagogy.
The whole teaching team works following the principles described above to ensure the welfare and protection of the students. In the 21/22 course, Silvia Rocco and Elizabeth García are responsible for their fulfillment, making available to the families of the center their attention as members of the Board of Teachers through the email

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