Storytime! inglés en familia
Os esperamos el próximo VIERNES 25 DE OCTUBRE a las 17:00h en la escuela para disfrutar del cuento «The Busy Little Squirrel» junto a canciones y juegos de otoño en inglés que disfrutaremos juntos, pequeños y mayores. Actividad gratuita ABIERTA a todas las personas...
All cultures throughout history have participated in rituals that reflect the rhythms of nature or mark significant transitions for individuals or groups. In Waldorf schools around the world, rhythm – daily, weekly, yearly – permeates school life. The purpose of these...
The other side of Halloween
Give it light and the darkness will disappear by itself. Erasmo de Rotterdam It is possible that at this point we are not going to reveal anything new to you, or maybe we will, if we tell you that Halloween has its roots in Samhain, an ancient Celtic...
The Michaelmas and the autumn harvest
SEPTIEMBRE 2023 The traditional festivals celebrated at the Waldorf school allow us to experience the wonderful experience of accompanying the Earth in its rhythmic breathing, since they are the celebrations of the seasons of the year. By connecting to the world...